you don't choose your family. they are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~desmond tutu

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Good Morning from Len & family

I just wanted to thank Dad and Mom and Dan and Arlene and family for helping us get the house ready to rent last weekend. We had two renters get through the house and they both wanted to rent. Dan was going to close the deal with one of them this week. I really appreciate making progress on the house and then getting my tax return yesterday. It is amazing how financial stuff can add hidden and not so hidden stressers to your day. We went boat shopping but the price jumped from the advertesided $20K to $28K in first 10 minutes so we are back looking as far as that goes. Hope everybody is well Love Len

1 comment:

Trish said...

Len, good to hear from you and how nice to know the house will be rented. I hope they will rent till the day before you guys are ready to occupy!

Love you,
